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View Controller Explained from MVC

As I began my first week at Firehose I learned a ton of great new information. However certain aspects of what I was coding / learning still remained a mystery, and it almost looked like there was a bunch of behind the scenes magic that I was still not ready to comprehend. I am referring to the Model View Controller concept. Following I will attempt to best explain the View Controller portion of this concept in order to hopefully help others understand it as well as my self.


The Controller is where we code, and control what it is that must be displayed within the view. The controller is used to reach out for the data , create and set variables, and manipulate data. It is where all the information can be pieced together and then sent to another page through the use of routes.


From my understanding the View is where all the information is shown. In the Splurty app the view would be the webpage where the user can access it. Here is where the values are sent to, and loaded up.

I hope this helps as I am still learning about this concept some of the information might change. Following is an image that I thought was helpful in visualizing the MVC.

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