How to install Tagspaces File Manager in Ubuntu 18.04

Follow the below steps to install Tagspaces File Manager in Ubuntu. “How to install Tagspaces File Manager in Ubuntu 18.04” is published by Mangesh S Dhulap.


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Communication is the Key to Excellence!

Communication is the key in any relationship, be it personal or professional. I am proud to state that Allah has blessed me with the ability to re0learn and it made be capable enough to learn the importance of communication, especially when working in a team.

I enjoyed reading the chapter from John Maxwell’s book “The 17 indisputable laws of team work”, and it corroborates with what I have learned from experiences so far.

Clear and timely communication saves you a lot of trouble and makes team work streamlined. The author specifically describes the rules to remember and act upon, when working in a team. After reading the chapter, I took the evaluation at the end to see how good a team player I am, and I scored 29 out of 30.

Well, this is amazing but it did not surprise me, because I have actively learned all these skills that the author has described in the chapter. I have always been open to critique and even judgments and I truly respect people for whoever they are. I think acknowledgement and respect make a great team after all.

Following these 7 C’s of communication help us being better at communication

As I believe in walking a couple of extra miles, I read the whole book and it was actually great. One of the many things that I love about the book was those one-liners written with each chapter’s name. For example, there’s a chapter that goes like this, “The Law of the Chain: The strength of team is impacted by its weakest link”. I actually agree with the idea as I have experienced this. The author gave words to my feelings when he described that he over learned the lesson of taking everybody along, and that we really need to sort out who wants to and who should accompany us in the journey to our goal.

Maxwell goes on to elaborate the strategies to deal with the weak link in the team. Being an effective team player, I have always tried to encourage other members to perform well, by counseling them, motivating them or giving them feedback in a way which helped them learn. At times, I even helped them figure out what their actual potential and interest was and they excelled in respective fields, which were other than what we were in on together. I believe that when you help people out, Allah makes ways for you and He really does. Competition is great but helping each other in performing well makes you a great team player, and that’s what great leaders do.

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